Welcome to the Ohio German American Business Association (OhioGABA)



The Ohio German American Business Association is a non-governmental and non-profit organization founded by local business people in Cleveland, Ohio. Members are business men and women who are engaged in business with USA, particularly Ohio, and Germany, but also other countries.
The objective of GABA is to support commercial and personal relations between its members and to promote economic, iceality, social and cultural relations between the USA and Germany by:

- establishing a platform for its members to communicate with each other as well as governmental and other organizations.
- developing and reinforcing contacts between organizations and associations sharing a mutual interest. 
- organizing business and social meetings, seminars, conferences and other related events.

The German American Business Association holds regular meetings at different locations to discuss selected topics, find business opportunities and get to know each other. These gatherings and any individually announced social events are open for members, guests and anyone who is interested in the work of our organization.

David Jakupca


Click on the link below to listen to "Cleveland German Radio Show" -
 Bavarian Volksmusik
24 Hrs every day while browsing our website

click here to listen to the  "Cleveland German Radio Show" 
(For Local German Radio Programs & News see our Foreign Media Section)





Stronger as friends & partners

Wunderbar Together Cleveland 2022

After 2,800 events in all 50 states during the Year of German-American Friendship, we're back in 2022 with a new calendar of exciting events. Our projects touch on every aspect of the German-American relationship, with events related to science, art, culture, language, business, and sports. Whether you're already a part of the German-American network or just getting involved in the dialogue, welcome to Wunderbar Together. Follow us on social media and check out our event calendar to join the conversation!-  https://www.wunderbar2gether.org/

This the official website for events in CLEVELAND, OHIO hosted by the Ohio German American Business Association (OhioGABA) 



Tag der offenen Tür im Landtag

German American Chambers of Commerce und Der Landtag von Baden-Württemberg veranstaltet am 7. Juli 2010, einen Tag der offenen Tür.

Von 17 bis 20 Uhr haben Sie Gelegenheit, mit Abgeordneten und Ministern ins Gespräch zu kommen. Außerdem kann das Landtagsgebäude mit seinem Plenarsaal und den Sitzungsräumen besichtigt werden. Darüber hinaus bieten wir für Sie Führungen in das benachbarte Haus der Abgeordneten an.

Informationen gibt es zur Genüge: über Aufgaben und Struktur des Parlaments und seiner Ausschüsse ebenso wie über die Fraktionen als Hauptakteure der parlamentarischen Arbeit. Außerdem präsentiert sich die Landtagsverwaltung als Serviceeinrichtung für das Parlament.

Team NEO natürlich ist auch für Unterhaltung und für das leibliche Wohl gesorgt.




L to R:  Joseff Holzer of German American Culture Center, Sen. George Voinovich, Dr Josef Wendell,
Berea City Council Pres. Dick Malott, GABA Pres. David Jakupca

Building Greater Cleveland's (NEW) 
German Town!!

From German Information Center: 
German Village at Berea, Ohio



"GABA Weekly Stammtisch" 
The GABA Stammtisch is an active group for Germans living in the Cleveland, Ohio area. It was founded in 1999 and offers opportunities to network in a social atmosphere while enjoying good food and drinks.

Unfortunately, the OHIOGABA Stammtisch has been postponed due to COVID restrictions until further notice.

The German-American Business Association of Cleveland is proud to announce its new name, The Ohio German American Business Association (OhioGABA), to reflect its expansion to represent all of Ohio.     In addition to expanding state wide, OhioGABA members will continue to be an influence in Greater Cleveland. "We have been fortunate to be able to work with Berea City Council President Richard T. Malott who assisted in trailblazing local sustainable economic community development initiatives." Jakupca added. "Berea has a long history with the European immigrants. We hope to expand the local German Heritage beyond the Oktoberfest and 'ARK in Berea' eco-museum to include making 'German Town' of Greater Cleveland that will include a sister city in Germany, annual Parade, new displays at the Museum and a Christkindlmarket Cleveland for Christmas"..............Full Story:  CLICK HERE 

Meet 'Doctor Renate Jakupca'  - First Honorary Doctorate in Environmental Arts and Peace Sciences

The Worlds First Honorary Doctorates in Environmental Arts and Peace Sciences from the Overseers of the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) was presented to David Jakupca and Ambassador Renate Jakupca on on September 11, 2016. as a Part of the International Peace Day Parma Peace Stone Dedication Ceremony, the Parma Bi-Centennial and in Remembrance of 9/11.
The Jakupca's worked on the Science behind Peace and Global Harmony by creating and developing the "Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts". Created in 1987, it is the practical study on the aesthetics of the relationship between Humans and their Environment through Arts and Culture, ultimately promoting an effective sustainable global Culture of Peace between all Living Things ~ Human, Plant and Wildlife Kingdoms!

The incorporation of the rights of flora and fauna in a "Universal Peace Equation" is the first major change in achieving a sustainable global Culture Peace on Earth in over 2000 Years.https://theicea.com/page22
Full Story; CLICK HERE


Germany's EXPO2000 Project Exemplifies Cleveland's Sustainability through Eco-tourism.


Situated near downtown Cleveland is the one giant Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) that is being proposed be turned into a monument to America's participation in EXPO2000 - The Worlds Fair, held in Hannover, Germany. Jakupca stated: "The aim of the EXPO2000 WTG monument is to provide Cleveland with a worthwhile and a unifying part of the growing global movement for ICEAlity through sustainability in eco-tourism.
Prof Wolfgang von Meztler, German American Liaison, explained that the EXPO2000 WTG project is a great example of the determination of Germany-American communities to celebrate, rebuild and develop the country. "People from virtually every group in the world are coming together to develop the sustainable practices from EXPO2000," he said. "The EXPO2000 WTG in Cleveland is truly offering a way for the Germans to come together and provide "a premier permanent monument to add to the legacy of the World Expositions and EXPO2000 in Cleveland."  Talks with Taskforce LeaderBill Mason are scheduled soon.  Full Story:  Click Here

 On the 50th birthday of the European Union, Ambassador Klaus Scharioth invited future American leaders, the ambassadors of EU countries and Ambassador John Bruton, head of the European Commission Delegation in Washington to celebrate the EU’s history and contemplate visions for its future. 
“As people across Europe celebrate the unprecedented peace and prosperity that European integration has brought us since the signing of the Treaties of Rome fifty years ago, I have invited university students for a discussion about the future of Europe,” Ambassador Scharioth said to guests at the Ambassador’s Residence on Sunday. “The perspective of these students from this side of the Atlantic is a critical one; support from the United States has been essential to the project of European integration from the beginning.”

Scharioth recalled the great European statesmen—Schuman, Monnet, De Gasperi, Spaak, and Adenauer—whose vision of integration laid the foundation for the European Union in the 50s, as well as American leaders— Truman, Marshall, McCloy and Kennan—who helped Europe get back on its feet and supported integration.

“In 1989 when the peoples in Eastern Germany and Eastern Europe eventually brought down the Berlin wall, great leaders on both sides skillfully managed the difficult transition,” Scharioth continued. “In 1990, George Bush said: ‘The United States is proud to have built with you the foundations of freedom.’ I can say that American pride is matched by European gratitude.”

Enlargement of the European Union is a great success story of peaceful change, Scharioth said in conclusion. “Yet, European integration is still a work in progress. We have to find a new common basis to face the challenges of the future together successfully: violent radicalisation, poverty and disease, energy and climate change to name just a few. Europe is our common future as is transatlantic cooperation and friendship.”

The young leaders, university students, each offered their visions for the future of Europe, giving the EU’s high-ranking representatives in Washington “food for thought.” They had each succeeded in a contest of ideas sponsored by Professor Dan Hamilton from the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University.  Molly France – Catholic University “We propose the creation of an independent public affairs television station modeled on C-SPAN that would cover sessions of European Parliament, Commission proceedings, and the workings of the Council of Ministers, and its inclusion in every cable and satellite package.”
Stephen M. Mintz – The George Washington University “The US Response Corps consists of highly trained civilians with nation building skills. The EU should develop a similar capability, thus presenting an opportunity to solve world problems and further our friendship through cooperation.”

Katherine Hall – The George Washington University “An educational campaign via all media must be undertaken on behalf of the Constitutional Treaty.
Nick Haslam – Johns Hopkins University “Climate change is a long term goal with immediate requirements. Decisive and sustainable results to protect the environment are possible only in cooperation of the EU and the US”.

Arthur Zepf - US Naval Academy " The EU is the best example of cooperation, however it needs to better itself as a cooperative military force. It will then acquire a leading role in the world.  "

Efthymia Drolapas - Georgetown University " A future Europe with a centralized intelligence system, a centralized foreign representation system to speak with one voice in the international community and a European Security force to promote and support its foreign commitments will have a security power that reflects its dynamic position."  



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   Germany Top News Stories DW-WORLDE:  www.dw-world.de/english


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