From October 2018 until the end of 2022, Germany and its deep ties to the U.S. will be on display all across the United States. The campaign Wunderbar Together (“Deutschlandjahr USA”/The Year of German-American Friendship) will travel across the entire U.S., bringing with it a collection of events and exhibits revolving around business and industry, politics, education, culture, and science, to highlight the unique importance of transatlantic relations. This the official website for events in CLEVELAND, OHIO hosted by the Ohio German American Business Association (OhioGABA).
In Recognition of the WUNDERBARTOGETHER Program, the Year of German-American Friendship.
From October 2018 until the end of 2022, Germany and its deep ties to the U.S. will be on display all across the United States. The campaign Wunderbar Together (“Deutschlandjahr USA”/The Year of German-American Friendship) is a national program across the entire U.S., bringing with it a collection of events and exhibits revolving around business and industry, politics, education, culture, and science, to highlight the unique importance of transatlantic relations.
Wunderbar Together: The Year of German-American Friendship 2018/22 (“Deutschlandjahr USA”) is an initiative funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, implemented by the Goethe-Institut, and supported by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) with the goal of presenting today’s Germany to people across the entire U.S.
Wunderbar Together will showcase how closely the two countries are linked by heritage, common values, and shared interests, illustrating how a brighter future is possible if we tackle global challenges together through focusing on dialogue, exchange, and cooperation between people.
Germany and the U.S. are connected through a centuries-long common history. German immigrants have helped shape the development of the United States, while the successful development of post-war Germany is inextricably linked to US engagement.
Celebration of a Gift of Peace from Germany
to America
to build the
National Coast-to-Coast 'Great American Peace Trail' to unite all the people
Provenance of the WCPM sculpture places its conception at Germany's World's Fair, EXPO 2000's 'Culture on the Move' segment. American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca addressed the 140 Nation Assembly of the concept for a permanent universal symbol of renewal and peace on earth for all living inhabitants through the 'Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts'. This Symbol of Living Peace was the subject sculpture. This project was initiated in cooperation with the United Nations 2000 Culture of Peace Program and organized in support of the UN Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. https://theicea.com/page33
The Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) is an original sculpture conceived during EXPO 2000, the World’s Fair held in Hannover, Germany by American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca. It was designed and built at the historic ARK in Berea as a project of the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA). Provenance of the WCPM subject sculpture places its conception at Germany's World's Fair, EXPO 2000's 'Culture on the Move' segment. American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca addressed the 140 Nation Assembly of the concept for a physical permanent universal symbol of renewal and peace on earth for all living inhabitants through the 'Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts'. This Universal Symbol of Living Peace was the subject sculpture. This project was initiated in cooperation with the United Nations 2000 Culture of Peace Program and organized in support of the UN Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. The incorporation of the rights of flora and fauna in a "Universal Peace Equation" is the first major change in achieving a sustainable global Culture Peace on Earth in over 2000 Years. https://theicea.com/page 33
The WCPM was officially inaugurated in 2003 at the 3rd World Peace Conference held in Verbania, Italy where it received an Italian Medal of Arts Award. The WCPM Peace Center Project is to encourage positive community participation through the establishment of international site-specific works of public art, through cultural education and entrepreneurial training to children around the World.
The WCPM is another step forward to nationalizing ‘Great American Peace Trail’, the coast-to-coast trail of WCPM Peace Stones in city parks designed to stop the violence in children and unite America.
The WCPM Peace Center Project echoes the dialogue between people and cultures of the Theme of EXPO 2000, "Humankind - Nature - Technology: A new world arising" with the goal of establishing a place where people are encouraged to develop their own unique individual skills and talents for themselves, their community, nation and the world. It is intended to demonstrate the areas in which Germany and other countries complement one another as partners at EXPO 2000 and can work towards a sustainable culture of peace for all living things in the human, animal and plant kingdoms – all the WORLDS CHILDREN. The WCPM Peace Center Project conveys a multifaceted purpose through Iceality in all areas relevant to a global society – from culture, business and industry, science, education, politics and sports. Germany and the United States are bound by a centuries-long common history. German immigrants have helped shape the development of the United States, while the successful development of EXPO 2000 is inextricably linked to US engagement, the WCPM Peace Center Project campaigns to builds on this success story for all.
In addition, this exchange aims to achieve the following objectives: • 1: Make modern-day peace making accessible on an emotional level • 2: Emphasize similarities between the two countries for cooperation • 3: Develop and reach out to new youth groups nationwide • 4: Expand partnerships in order to resolve future global issues for All the Worlds Children.
The WCPM Peace Center Project is broad-based to be able to reach out to the following groups: • Decision-makers and important, established, and potential partners in social society, politics, business and industry, culture, media, science, and education • Youth from the rural centers, along the coasts, and people living in the American heartland and suburbs • Young people, students, young professionals. • Americans with German roots or close ties to Germany through local and national German Organizations, International NGO’s. To appeal to these groups, the WCPM Peace Center Project emphasizes on the following protocals: • Location: specific arrangements firmly established in a variety of cities to connect with existing networks and build new ones • Presentations involving exhibits such as festival and mobile stage with pop-up components that are also able to reach youth groups in rural area beyond large cities • Digital and internet related media: online, social media, and traditional media as strategic modules.
Time to Grow-up German Children Tell World Leaders: ‘You cannot buy another planet' They say that out of the mouths of babes come pearls of wisdom. That was true of the young Germans gathered for a WCPM Global Youth Symposium held in conjunction at the German Central Park during the Cleveland 2017 German American Festival. The goal of the session was to motivate German organizations from the Stadtverband to work with local partners to energize everyone through hands on service. Full Story: https://bereabuzz.blogspot.com/2017/06/time-to-grow-up-worlds-children-tell.html
The WCPM Peace Center Project in principle and practicability, aligns with the context and the interests of citizens and groups in the United States to meet the compelling needs for access to current, balanced, understandable information about complex global issues. Even though we remain open to additional themes, the following thematic threads of Iceality are organized into three divisions: Environmental, Humanities, Arts and Culture most at this stage: • 1: Freedom, diversity, • 2: Digitization, innovation, and ingenuity • 3: Energy, climate, and sustainability • 4: Research, science, and education • 5: German heritage and Traditions • 6: Arts and Culture. • 7 Peaceful Principles and Lifestyle for All the Worlds Children by following ICEA's mission on the Theory of ICEALITY on Environmental Arts, that is to "Assist in understanding of the relationship between Humans and their Environment through Arts and culture ultimately promoting a sustainable global Culture of Peace between all Living Things in the Human, Plant and Animal Kingdoms.
WCSB-89.3FM Sunday 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Listen Online 24/7 on the Internet at:
The CGRS is the widely recognized and most popular ethnic radio show in Greater Cleveland. The CGRS also informs its listeners about latest books, popular concerts and events, cultural news and sports news. Renowned German people are interviewed And discuss about different topics, cultural information and political debates or talk about what they have experienced or achieved.
It also broadcasts important information on the German American Peace Initiative: The Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM).
On the occasion of the WUNDERBAR TOGETHER CLEVELAND, David and Renate Jakupca will reprise their role as American Cultural Ambassadors from the historic ARK in Berea Eco-Museum promoting the gift of Peace from Germany's Worlds Fair in Hanover - EXPO 2000, the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM).
The City of Cleveland Owes Debt of Gratitude to David and Renate Jakupca and the Cleveland German Community for the Current Renaissance at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
– History-– Prior to EXPO 2000, the Cleveland Cultural Gardens activities were dormant and in decline, usually having one small One World Day parade annually. The Cultural Gardens themselves are what is called in the industry as ‘stagnant displays’, that is people can only see them by going there. The current Renaissance of the Cultural Cleveland Gardens started after 2000 when American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca introduced and donated FREELY the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) and the WCPM Community Outreach Programs (Cleveland National Peace Plan) from the EXPO 2000s ‘Culture on the Move’ segment to Cleveland. Once the Cleveland National Peace Plan became active, and with ICEA’s prior connections with the United Nations this would quantify the Cleveland Cultural Gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site!!
Greater Cleveland Expands Role as Home of the International Environmental Art Movement as the Primary Economic Engine for the Region and as the 'Cradle for a Universal Culture of Peace' for All Living Things - the Worlds Children. https://theicea.com/page26

National German-American Day is observed on October 6, 2022
October 6th, Germans all over Cleveland celebrate their heritage. At Cleveland City Hall, there will be a huge Germanfests - at Cleveland has set aside parts of the rotunda downtown to host German restaurants and breweries getting in on the action by hosting sampling parties. Performing will be local bands and dance groups. Cleveland Christkindl Market is coming. All this Free to the Public to recognize the German in all of US!
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October 6 as German-American Day to celebrate and honor the 300th anniversary of German immigration and culture to the United States. On August 6, 1987, Congress approved S.J. Resolution 108, designating October 6, as National German-American Day.
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
More Americans trace their heritage back to German ancestry than to any other nationality. More than seven million Germans have come to our shores through the years, and today some 60 million Americans — one in four — are of German descent. Few people have blended so completely into the multicultural tapestry of American society and yet have made such singular economic, political, social, scientific, and cultural contributions to the growth and success of these United States as have Americans of German extraction.
The United States has embraced a vast array of German traditions, institutions, and influences. Many of these have become so accepted as parts of our way of life that their ethnic origin has been obscured. For instance, Christmas trees and Broadway musicals are familiar features of American society. Our kindergartens, graduate schools, the social security system, and labor unions are all based on models derived from Germany.
German teachers, musicians, and enthusiastic amateurs have left an indelible imprint on classical music, hymns, choral singing, and marching bands in our country. In architecture and design, German contributions include the modern suspension bridge, Bauhaus, and Jugendstil. German-American scientists have helped make the United States the world’s pioneer in research and technology. The American work ethic, a major factor in the rapid rise of the United States to preeminence in agriculture and industry, owes much to German-Americans’ commitment to excellence.
For more than 3 centuries, Germans have helped build, invigorate, and strengthen this country. But the United States has given as well as received. Just a generation ago, America conceived of and swiftly implemented the Marshall Plan, which helped the new German democracy rise from the rubble of war to become a beacon of democracy in Central Europe. The Berlin Airlift demonstrated the American commitment to the defense of freedom when, still recovering from war, Berlin was threatened by strangulation from the Soviets.
Today, the Federal Republic of Germany is a bulwark of democracy in the heart of a divided Europe. Germans and Americans are rightfully proud of our common values as well as our shared heritage. For more than 3 decades the German-American partnership has been a linchpin in the Western Alliance. Thanks to it, a whole generation of Americans and Europeans has grown up free to enjoy the fruits of liberty.
Our histories are thus intertwined. We now contribute to each other’s trade, enjoy each other’s cultures, and learn from each other’s experiences. The German-American Friendship Garden, which will be dedicated in the District of Columbia in the near future, is symbolic of the close and amicable relations between West Germany and the United States.
The Congress, by Public Law 100 – 104, has designated October 6, 1987, the 304th anniversary of the arrival of the first German immigrants in Philadelphia, as “German-American Day” and has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of that day.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, October 6, 1987, as German-American Day. I urge all Americans to learn more about the contributions of German immigrants to the life and culture of the United States and to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of Oct., in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twelfth.
Ronald Reagan
Representative of German Industry and Trade @RGIT_USA
let us take time to say hello to our sister city in Germany:
Heidenheim, Germany ● Pop: 49,784
Heidenheim is a city in eastern Germany on the Bavarian border and the economic center for a county which shares the same name. Its largest employer, Voith, manufactures turbines and machinery for the paper-making industry and employs 7,500 people. The world’s first Paper Technology Center was established here in 2006, and is considered by Voith to be the “most important center for paper research in the world”.
Early in 2008, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., entered into a joint venture with Voith to manufacture commercial vehicle products in Heidenheim. Among others, the city is home to metal, semiconductor, plastics, ventilation and textile industries.
The City Council has 36 members, each serving 5 year terms and the mayor is elected to serve a term of 8 years. The mayor also serves as City Council President and the mayor’s Deputy serves as First Councilperson. Every summer, Heidenheim becomes a cultural destination as it hosts its annual open-air Opera Festival.
Sustainable Urban Development Study Tour
Building on the American Council on Germany’s history of best practice exchanges among urban affairs experts, the ACG is conducting a two-part immersive program on sustainable urban development. This initiative is designed to focus on the growing importance of cities in promoting strong transatlantic relations. The ACG will bring together American and German practitioners working in urban affairs and sustainability in Germany in late Fall of 2019 and in the United States in the Spring 2020.
, Mobilität und Umwelt - wie entwickeln wir unsere Städte nachhaltig & was können wir von den USA lernen? Wir schicken euch dazu mit einer Studientour durch Deutschland und in die USA -Interesse? "Wunderbartogether -Cleveland, Ohio"
In 2005, as part of Cleveland's lakefront development plan, a 150-foot-tall wind turbine was erected on the Great Lakes Science Center's front lawn to demonstrate renewable energy. The Cleveland Wind Turbine Project was inspired by the EXPO 2000 handbook; "EVERY WOMAN'S HANDBOOK on SAFE ENERGY for the 21st CENTURY" written by members of the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA)
Are you a German who would like to speak to US students about growing up in Germany? Are you an American who lived in Germany and wants to share their experience? If so, SIGN UP NOW for #MeetAGerman! (link: https://bit.ly/2YDRCZa) bit.ly/2YDRCZa #WunderbarTogether #FulbrightGermany
Germans living in the U.S. & Americans who lived in Germany: celebrate and promote German culture in American classrooms October 3, 2019 – Day of German Unity. This initiative is open to all! Register before August 15th: (link: https://www.fulbright.de/projects-and-initiatives/fulbright-und-das-deutschlandjahr-usa/meet-a-german) fulbright.de/projects-and-i… #WunderbarTogether #MeetAGerman
Call for Contributions: Strategies Beyond Borders from 9 to 10 December 2019
Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are inviting proposals for contributions to the “Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age” conference taking place in Berlin form 9 to 10 December 2019.
New deadline: Submit your ideas for our conference "Strategies beyond Borders" with @DAAD_Germany until 15 September! https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/en/strategiesbeyondborders2019-call #DigitalTurn
American Council on Germany,
Wunderbar Together
Thomas Oppermann, VP of the German Bundestag, stopped by DC to meet with members of US Congress & promote German-American friendship! He spoke with #WunderbarTogether about the long history of cooperation b/w our two countries & the importance of standing together in the future.
See Video; https://twitter.com/i/status/1174760810981314560
Happy German Unity Day - today marks 29 years of reunification since October 3, 1990!!
Today is #GermanUnityDay - a day that commemorates the reunification of Germany & the fall of the Berlin Wall. One year ago, #WunderbarTogether launched our program of over 2000 events in all 50 states at German Embassy Washington
We celebrated unity & friendship, together! Goethe-Institut Washington
❤️ Won't you celebrate with us? ❤️
Worlds Children Peace Monunument (WCPM)
The Ohio German American Business Assoc. (OhioGABA) has registered the CHRISTKINDLMARKET CLEVELAND name with the State of Ohio as part of the 2022 WunderbarTogether-Cleveland Program.
Cleveland, Ohio Development News: For #WundebarTogether-Cleveland it was an honor to work with a wonderful group of American and German urban planners to submit plans for the 2022 Christkindlmarkt Cleveland with the State of Ohio #cltplacemaking,
'Christkindlmarket Cleveland' is an annual month long city wide Weinachfest of Olde World style Christmas Festivities in Greater Cleveland. tarting around December 1st to January 1st.
The Cleveland Christkndl Market is the biggest event in town and is rich in International cultural traditions and includes special events, performances and activities designed to preserve the German Traditions to promote the German Heritage for future generations. Proceeds benefit the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) and Cleveland German Organizations of the Cleveland Stadtverband.
Hier finden Sie aktuelle Informationen, Angebote und Veranstaltungen zum 'Christkindlmarkt Cleveland'.
Each month, #WunderbarTogether -Cleveland features the food & culture blog, Spoonfuls of Germany! With just 2 weeks before Christmas, Nadia shares the stories of 2 iconic bakeries in the United States that specialize in desserts - especially lebkuchen, the German gingerbread! Check it out: https://bit.ly/2PGN1TZ
WunderbarTogether- Cleveland https://www.OhioGABA.com/page10
The Voice of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Cleveland, Ohio